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My Projects

Stuff I've worked on that have been publicly released and I like enough to showcase.

Big Yoshi GIF


My most popular GitHub repository. This is my BetterDiscord plugin, Yet Another BetterDiscord Plugin (for) Nitro, or YABDP4Nitro for short. This is an overcomplicated, overengineered piece of pure JavaScript goodness, intended for use in the BetterDiscord client, designed to enhance the Discord experience by emulating normally paid Discord features for free, including fully unlocked/emulated emoji functionality, profile customization, screen sharing quality, and more.

11/21/2021 — Present

MKWii 12th Place

Mario Kart Wii Stupid Hard CPU Mod

Have you ever played Mario Kart Wii offline and thought it was too easy? Me too! That's why I made my first mod for Mario Kart Wii, which modifies a whole bunch of stuff to make the computer players more than capable of beating you up and taking your lunch money.


Big Yoshi Icon

Riolubruh's Stuff

My old personal website I made because I was bored during high school. Updates to this website will be extremely infrequent, as I am no longer in high school (and haven't been for a long time) and don't care much about this project anymore. The website you're on right now will replace this one, however, I'm leaving it up for the people who still want to use it because it still has plenty of distractions and fun things to offer.

2021 — 2024